Bicycle Equity Resources

As of July 2017, it is almost impossible to keep track of all the work/writing/reports coming out about bicycle equity. These resources remain a great starting point for this topic. If you’d like to stay on top of the most recent work, please join the Bike Equity Network and Bicicultures email groups.

If you are interested in how to do community engagement better, this article is all you need.


Previously tagged as “gentrification and bicycling” this collection of (internet-accessible) sources moves beyond the G-word to also encompass the positive changes being made with transportation equity.

All listed sources are active hyperlinks

Updated: 9.21.16

Advocacy Advance (2015, May). Active transportation equity: A scan of existing master plans. (REPORT)

Amer, R. and C. Mitchell (2013, June 28). Divvy bikes: Bike-share program leaves some behind. WBEZ. 

Andersen, M. (2014, February 6). Chicago brings Portland’s bag of biking tricks to Bronzeville’s ‘Black Metropolis.’ Bike Portland.

Andersen, M. (2014, January 23). Rich? Poor? Two charts show both know good biking when they see it. People for Bikes

Agyeman, J. (2012, May 11).  Incomplete streets? Just sustainabilities: Re-imagining equality, living within limits

Agyeman, J. (2014, July 9). Retrofitting equity and justice? Invisible Cyclist. 

Baker, L. (2011, September 20). Developers cater to two-wheeled traffic in Portland. New York Times

Berry, D. (2013, March 20). So hipsters aren’t the economics boon some urbanists thought they’d be. Jezebel

Choudury, N. (2014, December 19). People in your hood ride bikes to shoot people. American Civil Liberties Union.

Conner, E. (2016, September 19). Paradox accompanies trail’s success. GreenvilleOnline. 

Davis, P. M. (2011, August 30). Are bike lanes expressways to gentrification? Shareable: Cities

Davis, V. (2011, January, 30). Why is Capital Bikeshare usage low east of the river?Greater Greater Washington

Dawson, Anastasia (2015, May 1). Activists want action on Tamp bike citations, threaten chief’s confirmation. The Tampa Tribune

Final report: North Williams Avenue traffic operations safety project (2012). Alta Planning + Design. (see appendix E for equity-based commentary)

Fisher, T. (2015, May 9). Streetscapes: Midtown Greenway spurs urban development, especially in Uptown. Star Tribune.

Florida, R. (2011). American’s top cities for bike commuting: Happier, too. 

Florida, R. (2013). More losers than winners in America’s new economic geography. The Atlantic Cities

Foster, B. (2011, July 28). From North Williams Avenue to the East Portland plan: Speak up and be heard. The Skanner

Fried, B. (2014, December 4). How does the threat of police violence affect how you use the street? Streetsblog. 

Full pedal racket (2013, June 6). The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

Goodyear, S. (2011, September 20). Bike lane backlash, even in Portland. The Atlantic: Cities.

Hoffmann, M. and A. Lugo (2014). Who is ‘World Class’? Transportation justice and bicycle policy. Urbanities

Hopkins, I. (2013, March 19). Red, bike & green wants to shift the color balance in bicycling. Grist

Jaffe, E. (2014, October 24). Bike-share is (still) struggling to reach poor people across North America. Citylab

Jaffe, E. (2015, April 21). The latest sign of bike-share’s social equity problem. Citylab

Koeppel, D. (2006, July/August). Invisible riders. Bicycling.

Lugo, A. (2014, November 25). Seeing & believing in bike equity. League of American Bicyclists. 

Lugo, A., E.Murphy, and C. Szczepanski (2014). The new movement: Bike equity today. League of American Bicyclists. (REPORT)

Maus, J. (2011-2012). ‘The Williams Ave project’ blog series. Bike Portland.

Maus, J. (2014, November 26). Ferguson, equity, and active transportation. Bike Portland.

McCray, T. et al. (2011). East Austin neighborhood: African American community cycling study. The University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture Community and Regional Planning Program. (REPORT)

Mock, B. (2014, December 2). After Ferguson, we must ask: Who owns the streets? Grist. 

Mirk, S. (2009). Nonprofit investigates the Portland bike scene’s racial gap. Portland Mercury. 

Mohan, J. (2011, November 6). Riding on the shoulder: The marginalized cyclists of the Twin Cities. Twin Cities Daily Planet.

Osberg, A. (2014, January 24). Informed & Empowered: Challenging the High Cost of Getting Around. Transit for Livable Communities. 

Rusch, E. (2009, September/October). Biking while black. Mother Jones 27(5). 

Schmitt, A. (2011, July 22). On gentrification and cycling. Streets Blog Network

Smith, R. (2011, February 2). Biking while black? Washington City Paper

Sulaiman, S. (2015, May 15). How a more inclusive Bike week can help move us toward “bike life.” Streetsblog LA.

The new majority: Pedaling towards equity (2013). The League of American Bicyclists and Sierra Club. (REPORT)

Understanding barriers to bicycling: Interim report. (2010). Community Cycling Center. 

Zayas, A. and K.Stanley (2015, April 17). How riding your bike can land you in trouble with the cops—if you’re black.Tampa Bay Times. 

Zewde, S. (2011, February 24).  Biking advocacy and race: Where’s the disconnect? Plurale tantum: A new project on identity and urbanism

Recent Posts

Oh the Places I Went! (mainly MPR)

This blog post (do we still blog?) is more of an acknowledgment that while doing rad bike equity stuff I have fully left this website out of the loop.

My bad.

Hello, from a vegan taco.

And for those of you who are not academics, I’ll let you in on something. Academics typically use the summer as you may New Year’s. A time to reset, recalibrate, and reflect. Hence the oddly-time mid-year post about what I’ve been up to.

In the past year I have given talks about my book (hello Baltimore and Milwaukee!) and presented at a few academic conferences (hello NCA and AAG!).

I am available to give talks, so email me if you’d like me to visit your school, workplace, and/or community.

All that said, I am most proud of the work I did in late 2016 with Anneka Kmiecik as we completed an in-depth analysis of citations given to bicyclists in Minneapolis.

This report was supported by Our Streets Minneapolis (formally known as the Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition).

me and anthony at mpr

Anthony Taylor and I waiting outside the MPR studios, Oct. 25, 2016.

While many of my public talks were challenging, invigorating, and fun I believe that “peak Melody” was when MPR invited me to the studio talk about the citations report with my friend Anthony Taylor.

I got a chance to tell a large audience about the report and Anthony and I fielded some great questions from the listeners.

This year has been very humbling and…wait I am already way too humble for my own good. It has been very lovely to see so much positive attention given to my book (Bike Lanes are White Lanes. Get it now!).

If you are interested in keeping up with this conversation, make sure to join the Bike Equity Network via Google Groups. We are keeping the bike equity conversation alive one email at a time.

Until then,


  1. What about bike share marketing? Leave a reply
  2. Bike Lanes are White Lanes // Biking while Black Leave a reply
  3. RE-BLOG: With bike-car crashes, report on driver behavior, not just the bicyclist Leave a reply
  4. Here we go again: it doesn’t matter that she was riding in the “proper” location 4 Replies